Last weekend the crew headed down to the Ocoee for some Labor Day weekend fun. Once again Nicky was the trip leader, figuring out meals, beds and the cabin. While every trip is great, this time Nicky really out did it. I meet Matt at my house after work and after receiving a phone call from Chris, which his car wouldn’t start, Matt and I headed over to Wal-Mart to pick him up. While the drive isn’t a long one, I do like to take my stops. As we pulled up to the cabin (around 2am) we could see Rick’s and Larry’s trucks parked outside. At first glance my jaw dropped. Once inside all I could say was how awesome the cabin was.
front pouch view! |
Everyone was passed out from a day of kayaking except for rock, who wanted to welcome us, so we toasted a drink and soon after, went to bed. After getting a late start we put on the upper around noon and made our way down. Chris wasn’t feeling so good so he sat the morning out. The upper crew was Rick, Jim, Larry, Matt and I. After running alien boof multiple times we headed down to the race course.
Photographer for the weekend |
Race Course Boof |
Rick Flying! |
Throwing down in Callahan's Ledge |
At the third drop matt went over a poor over and just as he boat came out, so did he. We didn’t really get to run the course because of the boat chasing but still had another day.
Don’t swim or else you’ll get to drink a booty beer |
By the time we finished the middle it was already 6:45, which gave us 15minutes to get back to the top if we wanted to run the middle in the long boats we decided not to rush and instead enjoyed some tasty beverages.
Long boats loaded and ready to go |
Rain? what rain, the boats are covering the windshield |
Sunday was a fun filled day. Rick and I started the day by bombing the middle section in the long boats and then headed to the upper. While at alien, rick told me the line, which at first I didn’t believe him. After watching him run it, I kind of understood. Rick was right and with the longer boat, you went flying over the falls. It was unreal; when I landed I had a smile from ear to ear. It was awesome.
getting ready for some high speed whitewater |
Racing the middle section |
Going BIG at Alein |
Big boat BOOF!
Monday started off with heavy rain from the tropical storm that was heading up the east coast. With the rain and an 8 hour drive home, nobody wanted to boat except for Chris and I. About an hour before we headed out, Chris was back in the bathroom throwing up. With Chris not feeling good, I took out the stinger for one last bomber run. With a 50 min run plus an 8 hour drive, we were back in the lou by 7:30pm. Not a bad weekend at all. Enjoy the pictures, until next time.
that's one long ass boat! |